Posts tagged “Overcoming Infertility”

Our practice is based on the churches teaching on marriage and family life, this article on the meeting and outcome statements from Rome, affirms the very work we are doing. The goal is to identify and restore natural fertility without breaking the marital bond. 
Lucy writes about her journey using the Creighton Model FertilityCare system in assisting her and her husband with identifying their fertility challenges. I love the way her story shows the holistic spectrum of making life's decisions and how following the Creighton/NaPro path allowed them to stay true to their core beliefs. Click on the link to read her story.  
We all know about the idea of positive thinking. Why does it not always work? Dr Joe Dispenza in his book 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself' uses mathematical and physical models to illuminate how humans can influence their future. 
For me, much of my journey was a battle of trying to work out what exactly God had promised me and how much I was supposed to do to bring about his promises.