Natural Family Planning 

Natural family planning (NFP), better known as natural fertility management, is a method for a couple to reliably be able to differentiate a fertile from an infertile day. 
“I long for the NHS to take on board what you are sharing with us so others don’t go through long processes like us and get to the end of NHS treatment and still don’t know why they have fertility problems.” 
Jennie from Ramsey 
It is distinctly different to any method that includes the words rhythm or calendar. Those methods are long outdated. These out-dated methods assumed a woman operates like a machine, which to NFP professionals is below the true dignity of womanhood. 
Natural fertility management will work for any couple whose communication skills allow them to jointly decide if they currently wish to achieve or avoid a pregnancy. If they decide that they wish to avoid a pregnancy in any cycle, they need to avoid genital contact on all days identified through the system as fertile. Couples need to be willing and able to make their behaviour follow their decision. 
NFP comes from a perspective that humans are distinctly different from animals. As such they have the innate ability to learn to control their sexuality. The method provides a framework from which couples can learn how to clarify their intentions and put them into practice. A basic intention to not wish to deceive nor hurt each other is nevertheless a pre-requisite. 
If natural fertility management is to be reliable, it needs proper teaching. Creighton Model FertilityCare professionals go through a rigorous training programme and must receive ongoing professional development to maintain their registration. 

Who can benefit from Natural Family Planning? 

engaged couples 
couples wishing to avoid/space children 
women with irregular cycles 
women who are breast-feeding 
peri-menopausal women  

NFP and couple communication 

Fiat FertilityCare  
Please note: We cannot treat couples where azoospermia (complete absence of male fertility), bilaterally (both) blocked fallopian tubes or established menopause are the cause of the infertility.