Vatican reaffirms traditional stance against IVF and contraception
Posted on 22nd June 2023 at 15:12
Our practice is based on the churches teaching on marriage and family life, this article on the meeting and outcome statements from Rome, affirms the very work we are doing. The goal is to identify and restore natural fertility without breaking the marital bond.
It's so encouraging to read whenever the Church reaffirms that, when couples struggle to concieve, the true answer worthy of the dignity of women and men, as well as the child who is to be conceived - is a restorative approach that keeps conception within the couples marital embrace. Couples often only know what they shouldn't do, but lack information of what they can do instead. Fertility is such a great gift, and couples need help how to appreciate the wonder of the natural cycle and to intergrate the wisdom of it's design into busy modern life.
The Creighton Model System is an ideal tool for fertility appreciation. The close observation of the personal fertility pattern, opens the window into the workings of the body - or lack thereof. With the right help of specially trained practitioners and medical staff, a whole range of remedial options can be identified and persued. Fiat FertilityCare work fits well into that niche.
NaProTechnology and restorative reproductive medicine delivers what the Church is asking of good medicine.

Tagged as: Fertility and Faith, IVF, NaProTechnology, Natural Family Planning, Overcoming Infertility
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