A welcome message from Ira Winter who will be writing the Fiat FertilityCare blogs. 

First Welcome Blog for Fiat FertilityCare 

Welcome to the new blog section of the Fiat FertilityCare website. Thank you for clicking on this link. Here I hope to share reflections and ideas about the world of fertility from a positive perspective of the woman's body, marriage and natural conception support. Topics will evolve and cover RRM (Restorative Reproductive Technologies) and Spirituality and Fertility as well as effects of IVF or ART (Artificial Reproductive Technologyies) on couples and society. Open to ideas, please comment and make it interactive. This will also help the site to be found more easily. Many thanks, Ira (you can find out more about me by clicking on the About Button on the website menu bar) 
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On 10th November 2019 at 20:58, Bettina Schuster wrote:
i like this very informative website! It is so necessary , that a lot of people learn about the natural way, to conceive a baby!!!