Journaling towards parenthood
Posted on 15th January 2020 at 14:59
Staying positive on a long journey to parenthood can be a challenge. There is the monthly ups and downs as well as the cumulative stress of keeping schedules, medications, supplements etc all going with a smile month after month when the end seems nowhere in sight. Some days seem easy and hopeful - others doom and gloom. How is one to cope.
Journaling can help here. Writing down the emotions of a current day allows the processing of those emotions in a productive way. Over time the records can tell the woman when other aspects in her life are being depleted through the fertility quest. January is a good month to start when diaries and journals are often on sale. The above one allows for an emoji with a space for a few key points each day as well as monthly goals and reflections. A good way to beat January blues.

Tagged as: stress and fertility
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